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You Can Now Reach a
Doctor Anytime,
With MyPocketDoc, consult professional doctors anytime and get medical care on the go wherever you are.
What is Telemedicine?
Telemedicine offers online medical consultations without needing to visit a clinic or hospital. It’s fast, affordable, and accessible. Connect with certified healthcare professionals directly from your mobile devices, anytime you need care.
Subscription plan
MyPocketDoc Plus
Yearly subscription
Get everything includes in free, plus:
24/7 access to general and urgent medical care
Secure storage for important medical documents
Affordable yearly plan for continuous support​
Free subscription
MyPocketDoc Lite
Access to essential health services:
8 AM - 10 PM Free consultations only available
Secure document storage for your health records
Affordable for users seeking basic support
Why MyPocketDoc is Perfect For Everyone
Because your health shouldn’t wait. With MyPocketDoc,
you’ll benefit from:
Can 24/7 Access to Healthcare

Get medical care whenever you need it—whether it’s late at night, during work hours or on holidays.
Affordable Consultations

Quality healthcare starting at just RM25. Affordable care that fits your budget.
Fast Medical
Receive your official medical certificates online immediately after the consultation.
Secure and Private

Your medical data is protected and accessible only to you and your doctor.
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